Automated governance to monitor and enforce policies

CoreView helps you get Microsoft 365 under control by providing automated monitoring and response capabilities you won't find in the native admin tools:

  1. Monitor and alert IT admins if something unusual occurs
  2. Ensure ongoing compliance with both internal and external policies and regulations
  3. Prevent future security threats by automating resolution
Security dashboard
IT leaders today are dealing with more security threats and compliance requirements than ever before, with limited budgets and staff.

Continuous compliance with CoreView gives you:

Full value

Get more out of Microsoft 365 by optimizing licenses, driving adoption, and keeping everything under control.

Full oversight

Identify and manage security and compliance gaps with visibility into everything from breach attempts to policy violations.

Full speed

Turn hours of work into just a few clicks with automation that does the heavy lifting on manual, repetitive tasks.

Security Monitoring & Alerting

If you're waiting until something major goes wrong, or you're notified of a problem by an employee, vendor, or third party - you're leaving yourself open to a ton of headaches.

But there's no way you can constantly manually scan for potential problems; there simply aren't enough hours in the day. And new security threats are popping up all the time.

CoreView lets you setup automated alerts that continually scan your environment, so you know exactly what needs attention and where to look for problems. Get alerted when:
  • A user has a high number of failed logins - or worse, when failed logins are followed by a successful login outside of business hours, or from an unusual location
  • Someone logs in from a country that has no company employees
  • A sensitive file is made public
  • Or almost anything else you might want to keep an eye on
Security dashboard
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When an Excel file with social security numbers was accidentally uploaded to a Public SharePoint, CoreView was able to quickly identify who accessed the file and how to resolve it.
user password settings

Continuous Compliance Review

Compliance shouldn't be a one-off or annual activity; it's a continuous need to be aware of what's going on in your environment and when things fall out of compliance.

Need to monitor compliance with security frameworks such as CIS Benchmarks or NIST Guidance? With CoreView, you can setup automated alerting whenever there's non-compliance with a policy, so you always know what's going on.

Monitor almost any non-compliance issue, such as:
  • An admin without MFA enabled
  • A user whose password doesn't meet security requirements
  • A guest user being given access to sensitive documents
  • Or almost anything else you might need to maintain compliance
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When an executive had their email hacked, CoreView helped the security team quickly see exactly what happened and when, remediate the issue, and setup alerts in case of a similar attack in the future.

Automated Security Resolution

We go beyond just letting you know when there's an issue - we also allow you to setup automations to stop the bleeding while you investigate. Had a suspicious login from an unusual country?  Immediately shut down access while you figure out if it's legitimate or not.

There are new types of attacks and new threats all the time - wouldn't you prefer to lock down first, and ask questions later?  The alternative is blissful ignorance - which means the attack may go on for weeks or even months before you find it and shut it down, dramatically increasing the headaches and costs to your organization.

With CoreView, you can achieve real security and compliance enforcement with ongoing monitoring, alerting, and resolution - so you can get it all under control.
Intune CoreView workflow

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