License management across Microsoft 365 tenants and legacy on-premises environments

Identify unused licenses, minimize waste, and ensure costs are allocated appropriately, so you can get the most out of your Microsoft 365 spend.

Savings opportunities dashboard

Managing Microsoft 365 Licenses is Complex

Health Check screenshots

At CoreView, we're huge fans of Microsoft.

We know that smart IT leaders put Microsoft 365 at the core of their SaaS stack because of the un-equaled power, security, and end-user experience that Microsoft provides. Smart IT leaders also want to make sure that they're buying the right license for each user, that licenses are being used, and that the right team members have perfect visibility into the (substantial) costs involved. That's where CoreView comes in.
Microsoft, for all its strengths, doesn't provide good visibility into license usage.  We run hundreds of free health checks for large organizations, and we usually find that:
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10-20% of licenses are unused or unassigned with more clearly over-assigned – such as a conference room or Exchange-only user with an E5 license.
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Extra licenses are “sitting on the shelf” – but the company is still reserving new licenses all the time instead of re-assigning.
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Attempts to allocate costs and provide accountability through chargebacks or showbacks are complicated or non-existent.
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Customers are paying anywhere from $5 to $50 million each year for Microsoft 365 licenses, so even a little "accidental" waste adds up!

Optimize Costs and Minimize Waste with CoreView

CoreView helps you get license management under control with:

  • Unparalleled visibility into your Microsoft 365 tenant and any legacy on-premises environments
  • Out-of-the-box reporting to identify unused, unassigned, and over-assigned licenses
  • Virtual Tenants and Perfect Permissions that allows you to divide your tenant according to your business model and delegate responsibility for cost cleanup
  • License Pools to simplify chargebacks and automate future license assignments to ensure waste doesn't creep back in over time
Sometimes licenses are unused because users need a nudge to start using the tools. We can help there, too, by identifying users and adding tools to boost adoption.
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A global logistics provider identified a huge number of F3 licenses that were going unused. CoreView helped them increase accountability and save money with showbacks by the department.

What Happens When It’s All Under Control

Microsoft 365 License Spend Over Time
Illustrative Example
Reduce License Waste graphic

With CoreView, you start identifying cost savings quickly – often within two to three weeks

– as we help you set up reporting, dashboards, and license pools.

Then, we help you train others – your “Delegated Admins” – so that responsible parties in each business unit, region, or department can manage their own licenses and take action to address waste.

Within just a few months, you’ve gotten your license waste under control, and set up chargeback or show-back systems and governance to guard against costly waste creeping back in.

Ready to make Microsoft 365 work for you? Let us show you how.

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