September 7, 2021
min read
Video thumbnail for the Tales From The Trenches: Too Many Scripts

In our newest series, we hear – firsthand – from our all-star Success Team about how CoreView combats the chaos for some of their top-tier customers. Let's dig in...

What would you do if onboarding requires

  • High level resources
  • Way too much time to complete tasks
  • 20+ PowerShell scripts

Why is Office 365's onboarding process so difficult?

Creating a user and preserving their login information so they can access your M365 environment is the first step in the IT onboarding process. However, depending on the setup of your particular M365 deployment, this is far from the last stage in the procedure, which can be rather complicated.

A user's onboarding isn't complete until IT has given that user the specific permissions necessary to access the components of your M365 environment that he or she needs, as well as until that user has credentials in the system to log in with, which may be stored in a variety of complex, expensive configurations. This typically entails identifying a user on-prem and specifying his or her tasks explicitly in the cloud, especially in the case of hybrid settings.

Additionally, there are 35+ native M365 admin interfaces, many of which your IT team will need to interact with in order to fully onboard a new employee, indicating that a significant amount of knowledge and expertise is needed for the effective management of IAM within the system. Microsoft only provides 15 pre-defined role-based access control (RBAC) user definitions, which can easily amount to "best-guess permissions."

Learn more best practices around Office 365 onboarding

Automate, Automate, Automate

Today's IT administrators should be concentrating on things that give them a competitive advantage rather than spending countless hours on menial duties. With Microsoft 365, IT personnel would be better served by strengthening security, improving application utilization, collaborating with users more, and maximizing the potential of new features and services.

Sadly, native Microsoft 365 Flow-based processes are designed to increase end-user productivity, not administrator productivity. Similar to the previous batch files that users used to automate tasks and the low-level scripting tools that Microsoft employed in the old Microsoft Office, these Microsoft workflows assist knowledge workers in building simple integrations and productivity enhancements.

CoreView’s Solution to Onboarding Complexity

These steps are obviously quite involved, and – more importantly – imperative to get things right every time. This is where CoreView’s automated workflows really shine.

Because of the streamlined IT user experience that CoreView provides, this full process can be created and stored for reuse as an automated action in a matter of minutes.

They will not only save your IT department a lot of time in carrying out these repetitious tasks, but you can be sure that each step is carried out consistently for each onboarding event. Ready to see CoreView in action? Request your demo today

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Created by M365 experts, for M365 experts.